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Konosuba 2x4

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Julio Castillo

"The Type i like is the polar opposite of such competent man! He's not particularly attractive and can be either scrawny or fat. He needs to be weak-willed enough that, despite my love for him, he's easily strung along by another woman's affection, someone who's in rut all year round... the more perverse, the better. A failure at Life, who tries to take the esiest route possible! And if he is in debt, that'd be even better! Then he could drink all day and never work and complain that it's society's fault he's a loser! He'd throw an empty bottle at me while saying.... -Hey Darkness, why don't you use that nasty body of yours to earn us some cash?-" You know what..... It makes total sense that her real name is "La-latina" xddd.


I'm trying my best to imagine if I have to marry her and I can't imagine it wouldn't end with NTR.

Jester Jaded

My favorite part about Konosuba is that whether you're rooting for these idiots to succeed or praying for their downfall, you're gonna be satisfied either way.