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Dungeon Meshi 1x11

Watch "Dungeon Meshi 1x11" on Streamable.


Fake Name

The animation in this episode goes SO HARD


All the little touches in this episode is great, and man ending tonal shifts are getting common huh lol


Oh so *that's* what the info graphic everyone's been sharing about this story is about. *That's* the "What." Moment. Okay. Cool. Fuck. :)


Just to give more context on everything we know so far and the timeline: on the first episode we learn not only about resurrection magic and that is not as easy and can fail, but also the fact that the red dragon is a creature that is so big that for most of its life is asleep, it only wakes up once a month to find food which digests for the whole month and the party believes they had bad luck and found it while it was awake which is in part why they had so much trouble but also why they had hopes of rescuing falin However as the episodes progress we learn new information, from the orcs we learn that for some reason the dragon has started to move and changed its location thus forcing the orcs to relocate, then from kabru party we learn that there is something going on in the dungeon, things are getting more dangerous and the layout of the dungeon is starting to shift For some reason the dragon that ate falin decided to eat her as a means to produce fuel instead of sustenance like it would under normal circumstances and stayed awake far longer than it should (which it's why its stomach was empty). Laois party counted on having a whole month to reach it, they reached the dragon in a week or two.


To be fair, even after they found enough of Falin to revive, they would still need to get out of the dungeon again. So something like an epilogue episode wouldn't be out of place. If we are going by D&d rules, the less you have of a body, the harder/more expensive, the revivification gets.


this episode was honestly, so, so good. like, ive read the manga, i know what happens, but the way they adapted it here felt like just as much of a gut punch as reading for the first time. it's, er, also a strong contender for biggest ending song whiplash ive ever seen, heh

Ebofa (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-18 04:02:53 Watching this episode made me reflect on something I haven´t thought about a long time. How rare actually realistic (Or semi realistic) dragon fights are. I feel like most shows fight dragons with animestyle flash attacks, magical beams or characters jumping all over the place. That or it isn´t really a fight, and they use some sort of machine to kill it at range or trap it. But an actual fight, where people don´t have super anime moves and can´t call down a magical artillery barrage just feels pretty rare to me. And it makes sense, because how would you actually fight a giant fire breathing heavily armored creature of that size? How on earth would a knight kill something like that? Its something I like about Norse mythology, where dragons (and dragon adjacents) were generally killed by people using trickery or people who made sure to be very well prepared . Rather than just being some mythic hero showing up and cutting its head off. Fafnir got got by a guy hiding in a hole, sticking his sword into the dragons gut as it slithered above it. Not to mention Ragnar Fuzzypants, who made sure to wear a thick and tar treated hide/leather suit, before challenging a poisonous Lindworm that spat poison and had poisonous blood. So that he wouldn´t get poisoned by all the poison.
2024-03-18 03:59:47 Why did Kensuke run away? My guess is that it´s because he is a very little mollusk and that is a very big dragon. Let this be a lesson in not letting mollusks live in your main weapon. Watching this episode made me reflect on something I haven´t thought about a long time. How rare actually realistic (Or semi realistic) dragon fights are. I feel like most shows fight dragons with animestyle flash attacks, magical beams or characters jumping all over the place. That or it isn´t really a fight, and they use some sort of machine to kill it at range or trap it. But an actual fight, where people don´t have super anime moves and can´t call down a magical artillery barrage just feels pretty rare to me. And it makes sense, because how would you actually fight a giant fire breathing heavily armored creature of that size? How on earth would a knight kill something like that? Its something I like about Norse mythology, where dragons (and dragon adjacents) were generally killed by people using trickery or people who made sure to be very well prepared . Rather than just being some mythic hero showing up and cutting its head off. Fafnir got got by a guy hiding in a hole, sticking his sword into the dragons gut as it slithered above it. Not to mention Ragnar Fuzzypants, who made sure to wear a thick and tar treated hide/leather suit, before challenging a poisonous Lindworm that spat poison and had poisonous blood. So that he wouldn´t get poisoned by all the poison.

Why did Kensuke run away? My guess is that it´s because he is a very little mollusk and that is a very big dragon. Let this be a lesson in not letting mollusks live in your main weapon. Watching this episode made me reflect on something I haven´t thought about a long time. How rare actually realistic (Or semi realistic) dragon fights are. I feel like most shows fight dragons with animestyle flash attacks, magical beams or characters jumping all over the place. That or it isn´t really a fight, and they use some sort of machine to kill it at range or trap it. But an actual fight, where people don´t have super anime moves and can´t call down a magical artillery barrage just feels pretty rare to me. And it makes sense, because how would you actually fight a giant fire breathing heavily armored creature of that size? How on earth would a knight kill something like that? Its something I like about Norse mythology, where dragons (and dragon adjacents) were generally killed by people using trickery or people who made sure to be very well prepared . Rather than just being some mythic hero showing up and cutting its head off. Fafnir got got by a guy hiding in a hole, sticking his sword into the dragons gut as it slithered above it. Not to mention Ragnar Fuzzypants, who made sure to wear a thick and tar treated hide/leather suit, before challenging a poisonous Lindworm that spat poison and had poisonous blood. So that he wouldn´t get poisoned by all the poison.

james blaire

that was grimm like godamn lol that end was a surprise to be sure, and horrifying

James LeBlanc

this kinda killed the anime for me, I was not up for seeing the remains of someone's little sister in such a manner


Goodbye the fun world of Legend of Zelda, from now on this will be more messed up like Berzerk. Even knowing what happend I still felt sick when Laios held his sister skull.


Anime only are a bit shell socked by that and I understand. But don't worry, there is a lot of very cute stuff coming🥰... It's just that this ending is less dark than the rest of the story.


Gotta dig to get through the dragon... Hey it's like Minecraft... But with flesh blood and bones... Very fucked up Minecraft... XD

Elias Cristerna

Damn, I want to make a Brook joke to ease the tension of that ending, but Alicia hasn't gotten that far in One Piece yet...

The Force

It's not that you're "too" pessimistic, it's that a lot of the types of shows you watch (at least based on reactions) tend to behave that way and use that type of storytelling, you just need to watch more wholesome anime xD

Viridi Harmonia

i hadn't thought about it until alicia said the dragon was using falin for fuel but...that means their original plan of making it exhaust the fire would've made things worse for what they could've found of her.