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Those of you who spoiled apothecary diaries you are now permanently banned. Thanks for letting me know what happens in episode 23 by being so "sneaky" and just "implying it". You're stupid. Fuck off. I'm so beyond dissapointed that this is happening even on patreon now. The dad was written in a way so that we would hate him intentionally set for the plot twist. You spoiling or trying to correct my opinion on things I haven't seen makes you a shitty person. Not smart.

To those of you who didn't spoil. Thank you. I appreciate you. Because this just ruined my morning when I went to go record this episode. Now I don't even want to. I will after I finish banning everyone I need to.



Wtf why do people have to be assholes and spoil shit for other people

Nick Comfort

Yikes. Sorry you have to deal with that. People suck.


I got scared cuz I subbed for the first time yesterday and saw this notification and was like “was I banned for being new?” Hahaha I’m really sorry this happened to you queen

Jacob Goodheart

Wait what?! Oh that’s super shitty!!!


Fucking hell the disrespect of some people, I’m so sorry that that happened to you!!


I have no clue why people do this. Honestly. I get when it's malicious at least. I can understand malice.

Fernando Alonso Wilford

Damn, that sucks Sorry that happened Alicia Some people really need to learn to just shut the f off lmao. Is really not that hard...


What is even the point on spoiling the episode for you, it ruins the reaction for everyone


Damn straight Ban them all


I haven't even watched the anime so I'm good but shit I got scared for a sec and I'm sorry that people ruined the experience


I haven't been watching Apothecary Diaries, but that really sucks. Sorry to hear that. This is why "implying" stuff in comments is stupid.

James Fern

yeah the whole "hehe just wait till THAT HAPPENS" type posting has gotten real bad. it's so bizarre to me. i could understand it when people were literally just being jerks, but right now it's more just people being super low eq which is almost more annoying. sorry that happened to you, hope you still enjoy the episode


Smh unbelievable…


😅damn got a heart attack saw ban and i was like wtf why i'm band🤣🤣🤣 all good all good, work messing with my mind. Tho its shity people always wanna spoil things


Are we the same community that gaslit her about avdol


Wtf! I'm so sorry it got spoiled for you, people are mean :( I tottally understand you not wanting now to record it.


Fucking morons


Good riddance to bad rubbish. Being spoiled always super sucks regardless of intentions.


I guess I got spoiled too... I haven't watched episode 23 yet 😭


Sorry that people did that hope they are full of regret and the perma ban ruines the whole week for them

AlmaWade 1979

People just can't hold it off for their favorites. Just like LN/manga readers can't ever shut up in the comments of almost every show, they just have to feel better about knowing more.


Oh wow people are assholes! It's so easy not to spoil something too... People suck, I hope you can still enjoy the show :/

Kapitány Zoltán

I don't get it, why anyone pretend to be smart just because they saw a few episodes more... Absolutely deserved ban.

Baron Banana Mustacio

Goddamn it. Spoiler faqs are the worst. What's the point of doing that? It's more entertaining seeing you come up with your own theories and see your reaction to either being dead wrong or being completely right. It's the main reason you would want to watch REACTION channels.


i cant believe people would do this on patreon of all places. im sorry you had to deal with this kind of bullshit even here :(

Sean Mcguinness

Dang that sucks. Spoiler droppers SUCK, even when they are trying to be "sneaky". Even worse when people drop novel spoilers years ahead of animes, like "OHJoJoahooo dont get TOOO attached to X character tHeheheheh" like, fuck off.


I don't even want to ask what was spoiled, but I'm lowkey impressed that people managed to spoil something that was released not even a full day ago while you ended the stream a few hours before that at ep. 22.


Omg that's so shitty of them! Like spoiling literally takes away from the reaction part of reaction videos! Why are they even subbed if they don't like to see people's reactions to the shows. I mean they're even PAYING to spoil people. I just don't get it


I only saw the end of the Ep (YouTube clips), but I haven't watched it yet to.




You say this time and again, whether when warning people not to spoil or thanking others for not spoiling, and people *still* try to be "slick" about it? Yeah no those bans are deserved.

Erik Nilsson

You've always been fair to characters and point out you are simply reacting to what you've seen. That some can't understand that is beyond me


Im really sorry that happened. The point of a reaction channel is to see the reaction, imagine paying money to see Alicia's reaction and then trying to make the reaction happen off screen where you can't see what you payed for, spoiling mf deserve bans for their own stupidity.

Jack Queen

Absolutely. No one needs arrogant idiots that just can’t help thinking they’re smart coz they’re an episode ahead. How does that equate intelligence? Why do they feel a need to show off they’ve sat on their ass and watched something? I agree, they can F off.


How dare they i know that you love this series that's really awful that's beyond a bad joke this is ruined a job for a reaction channel , so many people love to watch the honest reaction I love that Alicia when getting spoiler She tell it and doesn't fake the reaction. This shows that she loves her job

Prof. Walker

Too many people always have to do that shit 😒....


that sucks, spoilers are the worst for a reaction channel and people know that, and still they have to make shit coments like that, hope you can ban all of them and have the good comunity you deserve

John Spartan

Ah, so it happened to you too. I'm sorry Alicia. I don't know what's with those people but comments with the actual clinical diagnosis were in every single reaction channel I saw, and many of them with even more spoilers for Maomao and Lakan interpersonal relatioships... I don't what was about the past episode that set people off like that since I don't remember any past episode bringing so many spoilery comments.


It's been happening on the HXH ones too, though not outright spoiling things, but strongly implying


People really out here paying to spoil anime


Got that feeling right, happened to me twice this month. (Last week and now by Alicia 😅)


Gods, this "sneaky" and "clever" spoiling-without-spoiling mindset is such a rotten thing. No, you are not sneaky. No, you are not clever. You don't know the meaning of those words. "But this doesn't even count as a spoiler!" - Fuck off, you literally hint at or flat out say something that is not revealed yet. Uuugh...


If you spoil invincible I will send bad thoughts wishes towards you. The Jaw drop reactions must be experienced


Man we can’t have shit even on Patreon


I’m so sorry that you got spoiled by those idiots.


People who intentionally spoil are the absolute worse, I don't even watch the show and I pissed they spoiled it for you. It's not funny, clever, or nice, it just proves you're an asshole when you spoil someone.


yeah I've been avoiding those ones I usually read comments for currently airing animes. but its been LESS than 24 hours since that episode released. I didn't think people would sprint here to spoil stuff.


I dont get it, half the joy it to see someone enjoying something for the first time. This is like the sobs who bring you to a movie and poke you over and over to make sure you know there fav part is coming.

Joseph D’Ignoti

Don’t understand why these cornballs gotta spoil shit.

Pat Boku

So stupid. I get being excited about something but just have the forethought to go over your comment, think about if it could be a spoiler and decide accordingly. I've had times where I intend to post something akin to a fun fact, but realize it could actually imply a spoiler. I just deelte it. Its that easy.


I read the title and feared Patreon was doing something but no it's you justifiably banning morons from ruining a show. I have no love for people who spoil shows.


I normally don't read comments so I haven't seen the spoiling ones but fuck people for doing this wtf is wrong with them


Sucks you even have to do this, but idiots will be what they are I guess. Their loss


Jesus, maaaaan. That fucking sucks, like how the hell do they think this is alright to do this shit


Spoilers: Actions have consequences

Ranginald Vagel

Good riddance Shame that we might have to start policing the comments

Justin Moore

Haven't even started this series yet so reading this put a damper on it


Sorry this happened Alicia

Dancing Viru

my therapist shared an interesting analysis on "spoiler culture" in fandoms. Aside from the obvious trolls trying to spoil things for others or getting an ego kick out of knowing more, she said: " If you need strangers affirming not only your love for a piece of media but also the way you love it, you don't really love it. You just feel lonely, & likely neglected putting effort into healthy relationships, which would've affirmed you. Because there's no point being hung up on someone's opinion on a story element, when the difference in opinion is largely based on how caught up the consumer is with the piece. If you don't have the patience for the other person to be caught up, to the point of your inability to compartmentalize time investment-based differences of opinions, & instead of disengaging & looking for someone else, you try to "correct" them, then you're not here for their journey, nor their reaction, nor their opinion, nor their enjoyment. You're here because of yourself. And that makes you a toxic person to be around while consuming said media piece."


Dude, I got scared when I saw this pop up on my notification. I thought its patreon banning creators.


as one who reads manga and usually knows everything in advance for a few seasons i do not understand those stupid human beings thinking they smart for watching a few episodes forward and spoiling others joy. It is actually so funny to see someone mistaking characters intentions and plots just to see the shock when proven otherwise. uneducated dull peasants.


I nearly had a heart attack seeing this pop up on my phone! I'm sorry to hear people are being pricks, alicia.


I'm sorry that happened, but take your time no need to rush the ep

Christian Thomassen

I believe you should ban ANYONE doing that shit. The amount of times I have read "But it is so obvious that it's not really a spoiler" ... Man, just take a hike and never come back please.

Wesley Lambert

Nothing worse than people who spoil stuff on here to you reactors. I’ve seen it a couple times recently on other channels. It’s no fun especially for the first time watcher. I hope you get them all and are able to enjoy the episode

Omar Rodriguez

I’m so sorry to hear you got spoiled on Apothecary Dairies Alicia. I know it’s a very exciting and one of the best anime of this season but that doesn’t mean that people should spoil the anime for promoting it for other people to watch it. I’m glad that you are doing your reactions to this anime after this incident though.


That sounds like a whole lot of bull and something that a therapist should never say.

Jacky Lin

Just pause it for a couple of months and come back later


Damn it just let people watch the show... I dont understand why people feel the need to spoil things they KNOW she hasnt seen yet. Its just plain rude

GabeH the odd1

That's horrible, it ruins the show for you as well those who want to see your reactions. Nothing's worse than spoiling a show of any kind

Ruby Kelly

Tell the truth, I haven't seen any of Apothecary Diaries, but after this, I had to go look up the plot of episode 23 on Wikipedia

ryan anderson

Im sorry this happened to you, spoiling a mystery story is scummier than usual

Josh Newerth

Jesus fucking christ, can't people just let someone enjoy the show? Why do you need the feel to even imply anything? Just let the person watch the show, figure things out themselves and find out what happens in the show just like you did for yourself. Why do you feel the need to go and ruin the fun for everyone else? The main point of these reactions is to see her reactions for the first time to things that you've probably already seen, just shut up and enjoy someone going through what you went through when you saw the show for the first time. It's not that damn hard.


It sucks to hear that you were spoiled, but I am glad you're not afraid to speak out about this kind of backseat viewer behavior. It's unacceptable and ruins the fun. Hope you enjoy the rest of the series spoiler free 💖


Empathy is seeing things from another persons perspective, most people are not very good at it and the behaviour that leads to correcting someone on their opinion of a show is a great example of lacking empathy skills. What you know and feel isn't identical to what other people know and feel nor is it sane or healthy to expect everyone to react the same way. I know one person that reacts to everything the same way i do, and that is me. If i want that experience i talk to myself. If i want something less insane and self serving i watch an Alicia Reaction because she thinks differently to me and i learn something new (often about red flags) or interesting i wouldn't of thought of myself. I hope the full context of the reveal wasn't completely spoiled so the reaction will still have some surprise elements.


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm personally not interested in that series, but it sucks for everyone involved. If people want to discuss the story then clearly mark it as spoilers and be upfront about it. None of that sneaky shit.


Sorry you have to deal with ass holes. Take a break and watch something with a happy time. Ive been keeping up with all your videos. I would recommend if ozu ia free hunter x hunter for some happy beans to make smile


I hate people who act like that


The past two recent JJK chapters were spoiled for me, by people days before official release. You should feel absolutely justified in banning these idiots, treating others with respect isn't hard.


Honesty is key, if someone has been spoiled but admits it up front that is fine, if i wanted fake scripted shit i would watch reality TV. Predictions are also kind of stupid, like its a competition, its not so it shouldn't be forced. Watch organically, react honestly, its just better that way


People suck, I'm sorry idiots ruined that for you


Facts. Giggling about a little secret because they “know better”. Like naahhhhh it’s a bloody tv show, let people experience it on their own. Same with when she was binging FMA, there was a hoenheim defense force in the comments explaining that he was a good person. NO SHIT: THATS A SPOILER THO. LET HER EXPERIENCE THE STORY ON HER OWN.


You would think *Spoiler warnings* were figured out like two decades ago but nope apparently people still haven't learnt that trick yet (no hopes they will)

camden hauck

Dam I was about to start watching it too I caught up to your one piece and was looking for a new series to watch


One of the animes I was very interested in checking out when I saw the trailer for it. It's a real dilemma for reactors that are anime-onlys who are checking out a series for the first time. This doesn't need to happen with HxH and One Piece, seriously.

Dancing Viru

Luckily it's not up to random strangers what a therapist should & shouldn't say. But specialties & expertise of therapists are very individual, & what makes a therapist "good" is their acknowledgement that their sessions don't work for everyone & that the client absolutely SHOULD look for a different therapist if that's the case.


I fucking hate people that feel the need to do that shit. Why is it so difficult to just wait until the episode where a reveal occurs before commenting on it?


Jeez. How hard is it to wait?

Fake Name

Jeez people...


I do not even understand people's thought process behind this? Do they think "correcting" you or "implying things" is in any way beneficial? As someone who had to deal with a lot of people spoiling things for me in the past, I can very much relate...

Richard Rear

Am up to ep18 where we find out he is her dad, getting bad guy vibes, can I assume from above this is wrong and someone has given this away,

Julian G

I'm not even watching the apothecary diaries. That does really suck. Seriously imagine how unfun these people are in life.

Daniel Gonzalez

Wow that sucks you'd think people on patron would typically know better but I guess not ill never understand people who watch reactors yet want them to react a certain way or feel the need to correct them about stuff they don't even know yet


Seriously, how hard is it to just smirk wryly at the screen and not touch the keyboard.


I don't get why people still don't realize that correcting someone who hasn't seen future episodes is just spoiling it for them.


And this is why I typically don't read the comments in a series like this. Now these dumb fuckers get to pay to not be here

matthew bremmer

Haven't even seen 23 yet, so I don't want to know

Crimson Xero

I always hate when that happens. They deserve what's coming to them.

Stuart Hanmore

To those who decided to spoil, I hope the permanent ban was worth the brief rush of endorphins you got by trying to be soooo clever


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. So long and good riddance.


I had been watching with my friends slowly then watching your videos on the EP we finished and giving some trivia. I'm sorry ass hats had to spoil the character.

king of void

(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) Why do people have to spoil shows? Ps: Good job banning them ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧


I havent watched it yet. should i watch it off stream first?

Jared K Gonzalez

Sorry you had to go through with that. Good luck with the rest of your day fighting the good fight


Am I surprised? No. Am I disappointed? Very much so.. Some people sadly got no self-control and got a strong need to show themselves smarter or more clever than others when they know something. So hearing that some are going in roundabout ways in attempts to spoil shows is just beyond sad. So yeah, as majority of comments say, good riddance to the trash. Real reaction enjoyers will enjoy it when she sees or figures out the plots herself. As that is the reaction people want to see is it not? A new person experiecing that same realization of a beloved anime? Just boggles the mind. As a long-time One Piece and lurker I generally just stay silent and watch all OP reactions. But, this is first time I have made any comment. I guess, seeing stupidity just riles me up for no rational reason. Anyways, hope this didn't ruin your day completely Alicia and will look forward to when you feel well enough to continue reaction after purging the heretics.~


Im sorry these people did this, so stupid. I am glad you hit them with the ban hammer tho! Do not need those kind of people here ruining it for everyone else


That sucks that happened to you I hope the rest of your day goes better.

L Freya

Just wrapped up watching your FMA:B reaction and it was such a great series you did, this reminds me a little of that now! With people getting mad that you hate someone based off the information you don't have vs what they have / known from spoilers! I can only hope not everyone meant it maliciously, but screw them, they live and learn. And you are a great reactor! Hope your day gets better!


That's what happens if you just HAVE to fuck around and find out.


I am sincerely sorry that people spoiled a show for you. I hope that you don't have to deal with that happening again.


Some people really think they are more clever than they are.


those damn idiots


There's nothing more annoyingly frustrating than people who are all: "Hurhur Oh you like this character? Wellll I won't spoil anything buuuut-" Shut up. You're already spoiling shit by trying to insert not so damn subtle comments and corrections. You aren't cleverly hiding the spoilers by asking what you think about this character or how you feel about this arc and whatnot. It's not subtle AT all. It's beyond obnoxious and just proves your type of person to never watch a new show with.


Hope this won't happen again.

Kevin Søndergaard

Well deserved for the people who did this, I personally dislike getting spoilers myself, about anime/shows or games that I am interested in. So I can only say that this is an appropiate response toward said people. I hope the rest of the day won't be totally ruined by this.

Jasmin Jakobsen

I was thinking the same thing : / when i read other peoples comments. I only said i cried and even said NO SPOILERS. But people could not help themselves... So dissapointed in people.


I wish patreon had system for comment moderation.


Yup indeed I saw her YouTube channel with a clip of black clover opening (BTW I really hope she starts watching it) Then she starts one piece my favourite, this a long journey and she is a great reactor so I subscribe to her patereon , one piece a long long anime and has so much fun and hype , I don't think a normal human will spoil anything if he loves what he does and we love to see her reaction so these guys really deserves what coming to them


All I can say is respect to you for banning

Jasmin Jakobsen

It was not even "clever" they just outright spoiled the shit out of everything. Telling stuff only manga readers would know... Was furious when i saw it. But did not know what to do to make it so Alicia did not see it. But it was so many that postet it :' /


Damn, that's crazy. Justified, tho.


While I’m not watching this show, I’m so glad this ban wave is happening, since people that spoil one show are super likely to spoil another. But seriously who pays Alicia just to ruin her experience?? So frustrating.


spoilers suck. now maybe spoil us with their banking information? It seems fair game if you ask me.


I've had to stop reading comments on a lot of series because people can't stop *hint hint*nudge nudge* or "remember that name" or "don't worry, he's cool later" to villains. It's infuriating to see on people's first watch throughs.


That’s unbelievably shitty. Also hard to understand, the whole point of reaction channels is the enjoyable experience of reliving your own journey and emotions in that series through someone else’s viewing, when you spoil the content you also ruin the surprises and reveals and in so doing the videos will be less enjoyable. Im sorry this happened to you :(


Make these people an example to discourage this behavior moving forward. So sorry this happened, but I'm glad you're taking action against it.


I have been binging on your content recently due to your reactions to the apothecary dairies! It’s unfortunate you were spoiled and I hope this punishment discourages others from doing this again.


Man, that sucks, some people just can't help themselves.


Why can’t people just watch along and enjoy the ride?


Glad you did this. Sorry this happened to you, but it will serve as an example for ill-intended people in the future. (still, hope this never happens again, you deserve so much better.)


What fun is watching a reaction if the one reacting already knows what is gonna happen?

Wil DeYoung

Damn, even here? Those dickheads deserve it. The reactions are only good if they're genuine so why ruin it for her and us? Absolute idiots.


Fuck them up Alicia put on those boxing gloves


Good, get their asses out of here. I’m so sorry people do this 😭🙏 It’s so weird to me that they pay for your content only to spoil it and try and ruin future content you’re creating. It doesn’t make sense to me. But people are weirdos so I guess I’m not surprised

Andrew vogel

People suck. I’m sorry the series got spoiled for you. Ban all the jerks.

matt B

Sorry that happened


I fucking hate people that spoil things. Uuuuugh just hearing about this infuriates me. Reminds me of the time when I was spoiled on the first Dead Pool movie.

Linn Sandquist

Wow, that's so awful. I can't even comprehend what those kind of ppl want to achive (unless they are dicks). It sucks that that moment was ruined for you, I would'nt be surprised if you'd want to take a short break from the series. Really takes away all the excitement.


Man that's fucked up I'd be just as pissed if that happened to me

Victor Vrignaud

oh fuck... I feel sorry u got spoiled Alicia.

Brony Time

Damn that sucks but thank you for swiftly getting rid of them. I have been just as blind as you have to this point.


even stuff like "oh haha she doesn't even know yet" is a spoiler. like these people think streams/youtubers are blind and dumb. they want a comment on every single moment and then do stuff like this. i'm sorry alicia hope this is enough of a warning to anyone thinking of making these types of comments in the future

Kawaii Edgelord

That fucking sucks big time, i don't know why people think their so smart. Or i guess your right, their just shitty.

Rayn Brooks

I don't watch the show but seriously people can suck. There is a reason why a story sets up expectations and subverts them later, let her follow the story arc naturally. I don't understand why people who intentionally spoil, juts ruins the experience. I'm sorry


nice knowin ya nerds. see ya never!


Spoilers of any kind just suck man

rouyrre du colibri

How do people think its in any way good to do such things ? Ban deserved !

Stephen Rockford

Jfc why…. I don’t understand this shit


I don't get why people do this what do they gain?


I haven't watched ep 23 yet... this is kinda of a spoiler... Sorry, I know it sucks.


Reminds me of manga readers on YouTube always thinking they're cool with future knowledge but its just cringe if ur spoiling people.


I'm sorry you gotta deal with that mess. It's a reason why it's called a spoiler. And also why I don't like to comment much cause I'm always afraid of accidentally doing it.

D Gaijin

imagine watching a reaction channel, paying for that content. Then ruining that reaction with spoilers. baffles me, true brain rot.


Suggestion: You have a lot of devoted fans. Maybe you can ask people to scan for spoilers in your comments and report them to you or one of your mods?


trying to do it sneakily, thinking allcia is either oblivious or just wont get it is extreamly rude, especially if it was intentional for her to be spoiled on the reveal


Wow that sucks, I'm sorry that happened and hope you can still enjoy the show :(


Even tho I'm not watching this anime, I'm still sorry that you were spoiled something that looks like it was a pretty big deal.


Honestly, it's hard for me not to excitedly talk about the stories I love, so I wind up not saying anything at all most of the time. Apothecary Diaries is honestly my number 2 light novel, right behind Ascendance of a Bookworm, so it's really hard not to spoil my favorite scenes, lol


I know she used to do this with her one piece uploads when we first started watching, getting a friend to go through the comments and check for spoilers first but that’s a lot of work for people who should have the common sense and decency to not spoil things for other people anyway


I don't blame you for banning those assholes, we all know that you REALLY don't want to be spoiled. Bad enough that this would diminish the emotional impact of an episode / ark of a series you are enjoying, but they are also messing with your livelyhood.

Some guy

Be me: Sees message about massive banning>Click on it, wondering what is up>Get spoilered. Doh! (Although I had my suspicions, so I guess not a big deal.)

Aye Jaye

I feel absolutely NO remorse for those that got banned, they really think no one else is capable of intellectual thought besides them. Alicia says something about any show, some comments "Ohhh, she doesn't know" well she knows now, the fuck were you thinking? I can't read the HxH comments because of how much these comments aggravate me, and these are some of the top comments on Youtube.


Really sucks to hear it was spoiled I was really looking forward to your reaction to it


Your Hunter x Hunter series is coming up on a part I want to share my thoughts on because I think it's interesting to the worldbuilding and executed very well. I'm perfectly capable of waiting for you to reach the relevant episode before commenting on it. I'm also capable of not mentioning things that are related but don't happen until later in the anime. Self-control is really not that hard. I subscribed to your patreon because watching you bungle into JoJo spoilers by complete accident was absolutely hilarious and I don't want to ruin that for anyone.

Zac Childs

I haven't seen 23 yet, but I've been seeing these comments since the character was first introduced. I'm not sure what twist could possibly make me not hate him. Whatever it is, the manga readers have done their best to make sure I don't enjoy this episode. I'm glad you banned them, sucks you had to get spoiled first though.

Daisy Azuras

I haven’t even started that series yet. Thank god solo leveling in new to everyone.


Oooh sorry people did that I don't watch that anime but seriously spoils make me livid. The fact they did that just to attempt to prove you wrong about a theory.. like that's really dumb if they think about why it shouldn't bother them that much.


Seriously what assholes. The whole thing is set up brilliantly to misdirect you and the reveal was shocking and amazing (Even if I guessed minor parts of it). People suck.


i will never understand people who spoil to others who didnt ask for it. like sure if someone asks for a spoiler by all means give them the spoiler they want, but if people dont ask for it, SHUT THE FUCK UP


oh that sucks big time :( ppl are so annoying it’s so easy to just not spoil something ffs, they srsly deserve to be banned so good on you for that. fuck those guys


They get the best reaction when the viewer knows nothing. Are they stupid?


I'm sad this happened on Patreon. People really can't keep their mouths shut even in writing.


Im sorry this happened to you, thats just disgusting I hate spoilers like that who ruin others enjoyment

Common Sense

That's wack. People should know better :/


Fuck I'm so sorry people were assholes... :/

Charlie Katon

Killl them for the rat queen!


Sorry to hear about that, its always painful when people spoil.


I cannot tell you how much I appreciate and love your reactions. I think the most I have said (For One Piece anyway) is to take breaks and stay hydrated. I remember how distraught you were during Arlong Park... But telling you what will happen isn't preparing you for anything. Implying or hinting about things takes away the mystique, the intrigue, and discovery along with ruining immersion. Some people only know how to consume media like it is fast food, and because they are desensitized to it, think others are okay with it too. I recall talking about how Snape killed Dumbledore when I was younger without realizing my friend was still reading the book, and I felt so bad about it. XC I'm really sorry your mood is soured on this and hope you are able to enjoy the series from here on unspoiled.


Is there a way to prohibit certain words? Or even get something similar to mods? I fear they might make new accounts out of spite.


Actually, it is up to "random strangers", since the job of a therapist is to not judge someone based on conjecture. Going on some weird rant about how people who spoil shows are lonely is not only unprofessional, it's also a dumb thing to say about anyone. There are as many reasons for someone to act in an annoying way as there are people, and this kind of generalization is very unfitting for such a profession. It's perfectly fine to complain about such people, but don't try to bring your armchair psychology into this.


No fkng waaay! I haven't even started the series yet~


A great series ruined by people who cant just sit and watch you explore this.

Saint Andrew

Sorry that people felt the need to do this. I genuinely hope that your day has gotten better since the ban.

Smeef Branson

Damn it's a shame a good show can be ruined so easily. Some people just have no patience

King Ganon

fck man. i was looking forward to this reaction. fck u spoiler giving cunts

Marta Kira Ayanami

There were spoilers on patreon?? Srsly??? & here I was so looking forward to watching that blind reaction. That's just too bad. 😞


They said in that message they "just don't" because they struggle not to get excited about upcoming stuff...


So sorry that happened to you...those who did this to you are just sad pieces of garbage. I jope you get to enjoy the episode after your purge.


I'm sorry people were so shitty. They should've just let you enjoy the experience like they probably did the first time they watched it. They're either idiots or awful and deserve to get banned for it.


because of this, I actually watched the latest episode. Never seen an episode of this show before. Watched the entire episode after reading some wikipedia summaries of some episodes. It was interesting so now I'm starting from episode 1 lol


im sorry people were shitty. i hope your day gets a lot better

Bologna Amputation

Imagine paying to see someone's unedited reactions and then actively ruining a series for them. What absolute bastards. Good riddance.


I think the whole "hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink" type are the most frustrating for me. Someone just straight up saying spoilers (either directly or indirectly, like with the "remember that name" kind of thing) will piss me off, of course, but it's just pricks being pricks and they tend to be much easier to spot and avoid. People spoiling things because they're convinced that they're far, far more clever than they are completely drives me up the wall though, because you can be halfway through a comment before you catch on that you're getting spoiled.

Zakry Esch

Hopefully no one else feels the need to ruin shows for ya within whoever is not banned yet as it always seems to upset you quite a bit and I really don't like how sad it seems to make you


Disappointing and disrespectful

Kobalt Reaver

That is really terrible, I don't get why people feel the need to do this. I never planned on watching that series but I'm sorry it was spoiled for you regardless.


Man I will NEVER understand the need to spoil things or even explain things that shouldn’t be explained.


damn I'm not even on episode 23 both in the anime and reactions and I got spoiled fuck


I had ending of the Last of us part 2 spoiled in comments of a first 2 hour blind playthrough, I had not even opened the comment section. It was just there.


Don't say that, seriously... Saying stuff like that is just tempting fate, the Manhwa exists and is actually finished so people can spoil Solo if they wanna thank god no one did so far as far as I have seen


Same with Trolling, Cheating in competitive games, Bullying, etc. Some peoples minds are just messed up like that, they get a kick out of shit like this for who knows what reason... They fully know they will get banned or punished yet they continue and still do it...


Good riddance I say


Moral of this story If it hasn’t been said, revealed or shown or implied yet it’s a spoiler doesn’t matter how small Don’t fuck around and find out


that’s just depressing, how are you gonna pay for patreon just to be a dickhead and spoil,smh


And it doesn't fucking matter if you're a patron. EVEN an Ultimate Tier, which was one of the idiots who got banned. Who also DMED HER TO DO IT. Which breaks the literal rules of the Patreon and the community in general (UT guys can only DM to request episodes, period)


Not gonna lie when I got the email about this I misunderstood and thought I was one of the ones being banned and was so confused lol


I really hope she is able to react to it after some time. It's such a good episode and even with it being spoiled I think it can still be enjoyed, but I totally get how watching it right now would probably just make her mad. Man this sucks so bad, Alicia is my favorite reactor and I was so looking forward to this.


Having no idea what have been spoiled (and no wish to know), all I can say is that the next episode is likely not the last one. The story continues to this day, so there is plenty more to look forward to.


Ah this makes me so sad for Alicia, she loved the show so much too 🥹

Matthew Eis

thats annoying, I was really enjoying her reactions to this anime. Hopefully she will continue it


Good riddance to them, nothing more irritating than some fuckface spoiling things.


Sorry to hear this happened, nothing worse than having a show spoiled for you. Hope this solves the problem