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AVATAR The Last Airbender Season 2 Episode 4

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I have to say, when i was younger i didnt like this episode. But thats because i didnt understand it. Now that im older and understand the message, i LOVE it. Funny how that works. - The man who forced Iroh to dance with his swords, shows you the difference with power. That man thought he was better than Iroh, because he has (i gues) a good life and Iroh is old and begging on the street for money. He thought he could let Iroh do anything for a bit of money, because he 'has a higher rank' in society. The Earthkingdom is on the 'good side', but that doesnt mean everyone there is a good person. Like not everyone in the Firenation is bad. - This episode has such a great message and im sure that the Swamp is alive. Not just as an organism, but as some..i dunno.. living being, but not in human form. Aang heard it calling to him. When they decided to not land in the swamp, it created a tornado. Which send them flying and made them forcibly land in the swamp. Aang learned that everything is conected ( i love how he takes these things seriously). Katara saw her mom and Sokka saw Yue. The swamp told them that even if they're gone from the living world, they are not gone from their memories and heart. PLUS Aang followed a girl he never met before, and Hugh told him that it will be somone he will meet. The swamp is alive and called for a reason.