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AVATAR The Last Airbender Season 2 Episode 3

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YEEY! Im always looking forward to your Avatar reactions. Im glad to see them again :D. - Bumi is not just his friend, besides Appa, Bumi is the only human alive who he knows from 100 years ago. Thats painful. - I know Aang is the Avatar and is supposed to help people, but he is really smart and wise for his age. Even if he doesnt fully know how to be the Avatar, he is able to help people because of the person he is. I think that's amazing. .. I want a Pentapus plushie. - I've never been scared of the baby falling while he held on to Momo. If a baby decides to hold you, they will never let go. They have a grip of iron. Wrestlers are nothing compared to a baby handgrip. - Mai and Ty Lee are amazing characters. Even if they are on the other side. Togheter with Azula, they are an amazing female killer team. I love that in this show, even if its about bending the elements, you dont need to have a bending ability to be a great fighter or be great in general. Look at Sokka. He doesnt has a bending ability but he is soo important and valuable to the group. - I agree with you. You learn something new in every episode. Something important about the story and/or morals/life lessons. - Because Bumi surrendered, he also saved ALL his people. Hundreds could have died. But because he is crazy and uses his mind, he is able to save his people, getting captured and waiting for the right moment to take back his city. - Oh, im not sure if i mentioned this before, because it has been a while XD. But Azula is the only one with blue fire. This is because she is a prodigy. Blue is the hottest flame. Its SO cool. They think of everything in this show.