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Dillon I came over from YouTube because I just love your reaction videos. They are just so good hearted and fun. I didn’t even have a Patreon before but I just wanted to watch your full Harry Potter reactions so I finally broke down and got one. And then I saw you had my favorite show TWD! I’ve seen every episode but I haven’t rewatched it from the beginning in a very long time and it’s so weird seeing all the characters in the early days. The way they change and grow and become adapted to the world around them, it’s like watching entirely different characters. I keep finding myself getting so mad at them for the smallest things like wasting bullets or making noises they wouldn’t normally make because they know better. It’s just really fun watching you watch them, but also just so interesting listening to your theories not knowing everything that is to come for them. Also Daryl is my absolute favorite character. I’m from Texas so I very much appreciate his “country boys will survive” way of life. Like nobody had to teach Daryl to be ready for the apocalypse, he just was ready, and that’s super hot. Anyway I love your videos and all your reactions so thanks for the fun videos! ❤️


the fan doesn't bother me! it's not life threatening and i can still hear you and the show