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Eric Janssen

I'm no worshipper of the animated B&B (eh, it's no Aladdin), but why watch the '17 remake that exists for no other purpose than to fan-slavishly COPY every shot from the '91 film?


Disney is currently feeling the need to produce a lot of sub par live action remakes of their classics. I'm pretty sure it's just to keep a stronger hold on the copyright that is SUPPOSED to expire after a certain amount of years. Either way, I'd recommend watching all of the originals before any of the remakes.

Byrd N. Hand

I actually liked "Dumbo" (though I only saw it because Tim Burton directed it). At least it did something different with the story rather than just rehash the animated version, as most of these other live action remakes/cash grabs have done...

Byrd N. Hand

All the anachronistic humor kinda ruins "Aladdin" for me -- along with the fact that it uses the phrase "Not!", which instantly dates it to the early '90s. : P