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Second new Slamazon villain of the night! This here is Anne Droid, a genius and champion in robot fighting turned criminal engineer for hire.


A big name in the competitive sport of robot combat, Anne Drake was a naturally gifted genius in robotics and engineering who had built the most inventive robot fighters that not only won her many championships, but also a steady line of government contracts that kept her employed. Known world wide under her handle name “Anne Droid”, she had been one of the many idols Alex Samson looked up to in her childhood because Anne showed her how awesome and fun science could be. But few knew that behind the shadows Anne was secretly an iron monger with expensive taste and a passion for destructive weaponry. In the criminal underworld she was an engineer for hire building all sorts of robotic weaponry for clients willing to meet her price, which in turn allowed her to fund her own underground robot competitions that were more deadly, advanced and high stakes than public ones.

The emergence of superhumans had stuck a sore spot in Anne, having to deal with superheroes smashing all of her robots and threatening her engineering business, but in truth it was a much deeper wound than that. As a child Anne’s intellect and weak demeanor made her a prime target for physical bullying by stronger peers; and in these superhumans she saw nothing but just more brutes who seemingly enjoyed picking on those with more intellectual strengths than physical ones. And ultimately when Slamazon discovered and broke up her underground fighting ring, destroying many of her robots in the process, she shifted all of her focus to building robotic weapons that would take down the one who ruined her, both so she could keep her passions going but also as a twisted act of standing up for the little guy.


  • Genius in Robotics and Engineering, develops futuristic, weaponized robotic “droids” capable of matching most superhumans and their powers.

Naturally, we wanted to give Slamazon a good enemy who fought more with her brains than brawn, it's a classic foil formula after all. Anne Droid was inspired by the sport of robot fighting, and we thought it would be cool if one of those types of engineers was building similar robots to fight Slamazon, only for Slamazon to smash them. The rest fell into place afterwards.

We hope you guys like this new Slamazon villain! Let us know what you think with a comment below!

Slamazon: The Rowdy Roughhouse © NRG Comics

Anne Droid design by Web Bleynant

Art by Danilo Cassonato



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