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Got 2 New Slamazon Villains to showcase to you, our lucky Patrons! For this first one you might remember from our Toonman prefer comic- Stone Cold!!


Austin Slate had always felt he had to prove himself valuable to others in order to prove valuable to himself. A long time enforcer for the superpower broker Ryker under the alias of Stone Cold, which derived from his given powers of rock-like skin and muscle the secondary ability to weaken structures by cryo-kinetically freezing them with a touch, Austin had hoped that his years as a legbreaker for Ryker would eventually land him a position of higher importance. But Austin could never escape the role of “dumb muscle”, and his chances of moving up higher in Ryker’s ranks decreased even more when superheroes began emerging and putting Stone Cold down, first with Toonman and proceeding by many more up-and-comers.

Eventually Austin hit what he felt was his rock bottom when he repeatedly lost to the emerging wrestling superhero Slamazon. Having lost to such a childish heroine was a new low, and Austin knew Ryker was ready to let him go. With a renewed sense of purpose, Austin decided that if he wanted to be seen as more than dumb muscle, he would have to leave Ryker and make it out on his own in his own way against the superhero community, starting with the superheroine who had handed him his latest humiliation. To that end, Austin rounded up and formed an alliance with four of Slamazon’s toughest opponents under his leadership in a group he called “Brute Force”. Despite being defeated, his gamble had paid off with how close they came and many finally saw Austin as a credible leader. With this new found sense of purpose and respect, Austin began turning Brute Force into an outreach criminal gang for like minded tank supervillains who wanted to prove themselves more than just dumb muscle.

Stone Cold’s gamble continues to pay off as Brute Force becomes a recurring and dangerous obstacle against many superheroes, most notably still Slamazon.


  • Stone-like Physiology grants Superhuman strength and durability
  • Cryokinetic touch- able to weaken structures by lowering their temperature and “freezing” them with a touch.
  • Respectable Leader of Brute Force

So, you might be wondering why we decided to make one of Toonman's first villains into a Slamazon villain? Well, the short answer is after the Toonman one-shot we didn't really have any plans for Stone Cold, until we eventually made Slamazon and realized his powers and design made him a pretty idealistic villain for her to fight. We also had this idea for a group of super strong supervillains uniting together called "Brute Force", and we decided to give Stone Cold more character behaving him be the founder and leader of said group. So I guess you could stay Brute Force is Slamazon's Sinister Six.

We hope you like this new Slamazon Villain! Let us know with a comment below!

Slamazon: The Rowdy Roughhouse © NRG Comics

Stone Cold Design by Web Bleynant

Art by Danilo Cassonato



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