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Those who've been with us since the beginning might recognize this new Toonman baddie - This here is The Smiley Man, a unstoppable Slasher capable of great carnage and death who continuously haunts Vaudeville and Toonman!


In the vast Peanut Gallery of rogues that Toonman had acquired in his time as a hero, there was no enemy he feared more than the Smiley Man. Essentially a walking boogie man people knew better than to talk about less they become one of his victims, the Smiley Man was a monster who butchered anyone and everyone like farm animals in a slaughterhouse. But what exactly was he- one of Ryker’s experiments gone wrong, a Psionic whose powers cursed him, a Primevil necro-orc that served Travail, a mad creation of the Eidolons? Its origins were untraceable, too many intertwining leads and dead ends for anyone to comprehend. He simply just… was. Evil pure incarnate.

What was clear was that he was everything that Toonman feared about death. Towering, hook-handed and profiled by his seemingly innocent smiley face rubber mask that concealed his already misshapen identity, the Smiley Man haunted the west coast long before Toonman or other superheroes debut. With a natural ability to turn anything into a deadly weapon as well as miraculously heal from any wound or return from any apparent demise, the Smiley Man’s only incentive was to kill, primarily preying on the young and vigorous while everyone else was struck down as obstacles in way of his path of murder. And yet, for all of his seemingly mindless carnage and random victims, it seemed he would always return to haunt Toonman specifically. Was it because the Animated Ace always stood in his way and lived to tell the tale, or was it something deeper…?

Whatever it is, this living Slasher serves as a symbol for the kind of horror Toonman fears becoming if he were to break his no-killing rule even once for any reason.


  • Living Revenant, Slasher Serial Killer and Boogie Man with a barrage of abilities:
    • Healing Factor - seemingly able to heal from any wounds no matter how fatal
    • Immortality - Notable in returning from any demise he suffers
    • Super Human Strength - Towering colossus with strength that rivals many superhumans.
    • Able to turn any object into a deadly weapon
      • Especially proficient in blades and hooked hand prosthetic

Giving Toonman a slasher-esque villain was just a random idea one day, but it seemed to make the most sense. They're opposites in genre- comedy and horror. And with Toonman's fear of death it makes sense that one of his enemies would be an unstoppable, force-of-nature killing machine.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on this new Toonman villain! Let us know with a comment below!

Toonman: The Animated Ace © NRG Comics

Art by David Velásquez 



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