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AMAZING PATREON BONUS!! You guys are getting a first look at one of the first of many villains for Lady Lupines! This here is Cutpurse, a thief with a knife capable of cutting portals into thin air!


Aisha Qadir was orphaned at a young age and grew up as a beggar and thief in an Arabian slum in the shadow of a large city. As a girl, she looked at the extravagant buildings that loomed in the skyline and wondered how it was possible that others could have so much when she had so little. It seemed that they were able to waste unfathomable amounts of money on extravagance while she had to steal bread to live.  Aisha was very talented as a thief, and over time she moved up from stealing meals to pulling off much more elaborate heists. She stole priceless artwork, jewelery, even top-of-the-line cars. One day, however, she stole something so valuable that she could no longer be ignored: a magical knife that allowed her to cut anything even the very fabric of space itself. This allowed her to slash holes in the air and jump through them, which granted her short-range teleportation. It was a huge boon to her career as a thief. 

The knife, however, had been in the possession of on of the 40 thieves, and once she stole it she had a massive target on her head. They have been trying to hunt Aisha, who has taken the nickname "Cutpurse", down ever since she stole the knife. She in return has been waging a one-woman war on them. This has sometimes caused her to come into conflict with the Lady Lupines, who are often trying to steal from the 40 thieves at the same time she is. Sometimes they are even forced to work together, but due to long-standing trust issues Cutpurse hates to work with anyone else and usually the Lupines have to race the clock to steal whatever it is they're after before Cutpurse does. Sometimes they even come to blows.


  • Masterful athlete, fighter, and thief 
  • Can cut anything with her knife 
  • Short-range teleportation

Let us know what you think of the first ever Lady Lupines villain with a comment below!

Lady Lupines © NRG Comics

Design by Web Bleynat

Art by Juan Paolo



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