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Hey Guys! Here's another Salvatore Promotional/Hype Art that you are getting an exclusive first look at!

In order to raise awareness and boost audience-ship for Salvatore, we really wanted to showcase what his primary mission is- acting as a necessary evil that keeps the metahuman population in the world in check. For reasons only known to Salvatore, he has secretly been exterminating many humans with extraordinary powers throughout history for all his immortal life. Many believe this is a result of a long-forgotten tragedy involving one of the earliest meta humans on earth, in which Salvatore was traumatized by witnessing what people with extraordinary powers and no proper mentality to control them could do if left alone. To that end, he has dedicated his immortal life to using his chi-manipulating powers to cull dangerous super beings before they could go out of control.

And that's what we wanted to showcase here: inspired by an iconic comic cover, we really wanted to give audiences an idea of how long Salvatore has been Earth self-labeled "guardian" and when, where and who has felt his wrath. But this is only a tiny molecule of the amount Salvatore has culled.

In case you are wondering, the people and places in the photo are as follows:

  • So the first was the Rome 274 AD hes depicted with blue flames and as is pretty obvious he has fire based abilities specifically Hadesfire (HellFire).
  • Next would be China 1476 who is depicted on the brown horse. He has weather manipulation abilities.
  • Then would be England 1842 he's depicted as the one with the top hat. He has illusionary/light based abilities.
  • Next one is the Arizona during the frontier in 1902. She is depicted as the woman being thrown off the cliff. Her power is that she secretes different gasses that can either paralyze, disintegrate, seduce, vertigo or sensitize anything it touches. 
  • Next comes the Chicago 1924 scene and is depicted as the woman who's knocked out and if the elongated arms didn't give it away she is a shapeshifter specificly elasticity. 
  • Last is the WW2 1942 being depicted as the rock like humanoid. He has power of tactical mimicry. Meaning he can turn himself into whatever he touches.

This amazing art was done by our longtime friend, supporter and fellow comic creator Chace Alex V. Curtis aka LexSyn of Deviant Art.



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