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The Cersei video is... big.

I've gone through all of ASOIAF – especially Feast – and picked out all the important details of Cersei's personality, past, prophecy, and.. probable eventual demise. There's heaps of stuff to talk about – lots of cool connections and contradictions to Cersei's character, anecdotes from her childhood that inform the woman she became, wild theories about who Cersei's valonqar or 'younger, more beautiful queen' could be...

The tricky bit is hammering all these nebulous notes and observations into a cohesive, structured video – with, like, a point. The sheer amount of content is also a challenge – to include everything would result in an unmanageable, meandering 30-minute video.

So I'm thinking of maybe splitting it into two smaller videos – one, "Lioness", would be more of a character analysis, while the other, "Valonqar", would focus on the prophecy of Maggy the Frog, and Cersei's final fate. This might be a good solution, to keep all the detail without creating an impossibly long video.

Or maybe this big soup of Cersei notes just needs to simmer a bit longer, boil down into something more concise and delicious. Not sure yet.

Also, I'm conscious that it's been too long since a video was released – so I'm inclined to briefly put Cersei aside and quickly put out a shorter video. Maybe the Knight of the Laughing Tree, or a video about where all the Valyrian steel swords are, or even the story of Nettles and the Burned Men. Something to sate the appetite before the Cersei soup is done.

How does this sound? Any suggestions for a short video before the Cersei one is done?

Thanks for your patience on this one guys – I really want this Cersei video to be awesome





Calin boiii

Shift, I it would be a better idea to give a large soup of Cersei facts/ideas in your video, and wait a few months to see, through comments being left by the viewers, what your viewers would like to hear more about. And while we're waiting, come out with new content.

Alt Shift X

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I'll let Cersei simmer a little longer and quickly make a Valyrian steel swords video – should be a goodie (: