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After watching the upcoming Grand Northern Conspiracy video, this diagram will make perfect sense to you... I hope.. if I do my job right (:

A draft script is complete, and I'm really pleased with it. It summarises all the major points and complexities of the GNC in 20 minutes, and all fits together in a pretty easy-to-follow way.

Some of the best ASOIAF fan-writers have been nice enough to look over the draft, so I'll be working with their feedback to make the script as solid as possible before comitting it to video. Really pulling out all stops on this one.

I'm still a little wary of how long this is taking between videos, and may be tempted to do a quick shorter video before finishing the GNC.. but we'll see how it goes. (I'll also be recording that Q&A video soon). But regardless, the GNC video is going really well, and I can't wait to get it finished and online for yall (:




Alice Cottrell

No worries. It's worth the wait.

Paul Barry

I don't think anyone who understands how much work goes into your vids minds waiting. My pref would be just keep on with the GNC and leave the Q&A for later, but of course it's your call as always. Do what works for you.

Alt Shift X

The time it takes to do the Q&A is pretty negligible – won't slow down progress on the GNC (: