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The Grand Northern Conspiracy video is starting to come together. Most of the research work is done – I think I've got all the puzzle pieces. Now the challenge is to fit the pieces together in a way that makes sense... I'm not yet sure how long the vid will be, but it's a monster – probably 20-25 minutes.

The GNC video will take at least another week to complete – I could probably do a different quick vid in the meantime, if you're keen – but am inclined to power through and get the GNC done once and for all (:

Also, I think it'd be fun to do another Patron-only Q&A video – so if you've got any burning questions for Alt Shift X – about ASOIAF, the channel, whatever – post them in the comments below and I'll answer them. This Q&A vid will be shorter than the last one  – will just answer the first ten questions this time, so get in quick!






Maybe a spin off video Bobbys rebellion ??I know others have done these but your work would be superior


Favorite GOT/ASOIAF character(s)?