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Pretty sweet ep. What did you all think?

I'm working on the video script now...




Personally, best episode or at least top 3 for me. The cinematography alone was simply movie quality on a small screen. It's crazy. You can tell this episode took up a large portion of their overall budget. I thought the writing was great, Jon in all his greatness, still is a bit naive and Sansa tried to warn him. We knew Ramsay would toy with him, and we all knew Rickon was not coming out of this alive. So even though parts were predictable, I think that's also the beauty of it. We're in 6 seasons now and we know these characters and their tendencies/qualities. To make them do things out of character(ie Arya walking about like nothing is wrong in Braavos after quitting a assassins cult) would be annoying in itself. I try not to read into too many things that the writers could have done or saying this would make way more sense...gotta remember this is complete fantasy/fiction. So sometimes have to let some of those ideas of how a character should have responded, go. Overall, this season has by far surpassed my expecations. Huge revalations left and right and this battle was amazing to watch. I was literally holding my breath when Jon was being trampled and was so uncomfortable on the edge of my seat with my hands to my face. I honestly can't believe that Tormond or Davos didn't die. I kind of expected that being that this is GOT afterall and killing people off is the usual. So not killing people in some cases has now quickly become the surprise for me. Gotta love it.


Most unlikley shot was when Davos and Jon had both scrambled up and hoisted themselves above the crush. only knights breathe? Sansa scares me, she was so bent on revenge, so untrusting (of Jone) that she kept back information that could ahve saved many lives. She is damaged goods schooled in the Game by Littlefinger and still stupid. Dangerous.