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Here it is!





I agree with the others, you're commentary and opinions add colour and depth. I noticed you had some good insights into the relationship between varys and tyrion and how lonely the charecters are, but was split apart in the video. Was that just how things rolled out, or was it a conscious decision to split those 2 topics into different sections?


In the books i got the impression that the faceless men worshipped death first, and acted as assasins second. If you look at it thru that lens the actions of the house of black and white make much more sense. He doesn't care who dies, as long as a life is taken and a face is added to the hall. and as you say, Arya killed an opponent much stonger than herself. She is no one because she can kill anyone. It doesn't matter where she goes, a girl will always serve the many faced god.

Alt Shift X

I address each scene in the order they appear in the episode. Usually this works well, but sometimes, as in this episode, locations and characters appear in multiple separate scenes – which can kinda break up the flow of the analysis. I've considered ordering things more by theme and character than by the timeline of the episode, but at this point I figure I might as well stay consistent. Glad you enjoyed the vid!