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Check out the passage immediately after Sam stabs an Other with a dragonglass dagger:

"When he opened his eyes the Other’s armor was running down its legs in rivulets as pale blue blood hissed and steamed around the black dragonglass dagger in its throat. It reached down with two bone-white hands to pull out the knife, but where its fingers touched the obsidian they smoked.

Sam rolled onto his side, eyes wide as the Other shrank and puddled, dissolving away. In twenty heartbeats its flesh was gone, swirling away in a fine white mist. Beneath were bones like milkglass, pale and shiny, and they were melting too." (Samwell I, ASOS)

So Others have "blood", "flesh" and "bone", like natural, biological creatures – which kinda conflicts with the idea that Others are supernatural "Demons made of snow and ice and cold" (Stannis Baratheon, in Samwell V, ASOS).

Maybe Others are more like humans than they seem...




Night's King=Agent Smith / Jon Snow=Neo / Bran=Morpheus or the Oracle... Agent Smith and The Night's King do have a lot in common...


Excellent observation. Somewhere I heard/read from source material that they may have emotions? Might perhaps this explain Coldhands?

Alt Shift X

Well "laughter" (Prologue, AGOT) implies emotion. So does "screech"ing in pain after being stabbed (Samwell I, ASOS), I guess. Also, in the Hardhome episode of the show, an Other looks surprised when Jon's sword fails to shatter. I suspect Coldhands is something different... Will have to do a video about him some time.