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The Dayne video is coming along -- I'm really happy with this part of the script:

Arthur and Ashara are often remembered as part of a romanticised past, a time when knights were honourable, and women were beautiful, and the Targaryens still ruled. Jaime thinks “The world was simpler in those days”, “and men as well as swords were made of finer steel”. Barristan still remembers “Ashara’s smile, the sound of her laughter”, and Daenerys delights at talk of the “wondrous white blade” of the Sword of the Morning. Of course, the good old days weren’t actually that good under Mad King Aerys, but Arthur and Ashara evoke nostalgia for a for a simpler more hopeful time – [a time when Ned and Robert were young and strong, when white walkers were just a distant myth, when there wasn’t a new king every five minutes]. But the Dayne sigil is a falling star, and when Arthur fell and Ashara -literally- fell, the romantic past died with them. As Ned told Arthur at the Tower of Joy, “Now it ends”. The romantic past was replaced with a darker, more complicated reality [like Watchmen smiley] – the present story, with the War of Five Kings, and white walkers, all the darkness and uncertainty. A falling star can mean death, but it can also mean rebirth, and change [like the bleeding star at the start of Book 2]. The star fell, and the world became darker, but the legacy of House Dayne might play a role in the war for the Dawn…

Once the Dayne video is done, I'd like to do a His Dark Materials video before the HDM TV show comes out. Then more ASOIAF, or Watchmen, or more Expanse before The Expanse Season 4 🚀

Thanks for your support!




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