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The hardest part of making a video is the last bit – committing to a final version of the script, and recording it. I'm always tweaking and rewording things, trying to make it clearer and quicker. Double checking the facts and citations. Searching online for other important ideas. Restructuring the visuals. Trying to squeeze some jokes in. But at a certain point you've gotta stop obsessing over details and just bite the bullet –– so gonna record this video tomorrow.

This is one of the most speculative videos we’ve done. It’s mostly about the idea that the Starks are descended from the white walkers – so it draws from a lot of symbolic, subjective kinda evidence. It concludes with the idea of Jon becoming a new Night’s King – I’ve mentioned that in a few videos, so it’s about time it was presented as a proper argument. This video might not convince everyone – but hopefully it gives a cool new perspective on our favourite and frostiest Westerosi house.

The video's also tricky in terms of show versus book canon. The content of the vid is almost entirely book stuff, but it's framed as a prediction on how the show might end – on the assumption that the show will end the same way as the books (which both D&D and GRRM have said). But a lot of this ancient north stuff – the Night's King, the Black Gate – is totally different in the show. So maybe the show will go in a totally different direction? It's also hard to make any firm predictions about the books – with two (or more) ASOIAF books to come, we just don't have enough puzzle pieces to see the whole picture yet…

Basically this vid is dark and full of tinfoil, so hold on to your butts. It'll be done in the coming days. Thanks for your support!




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