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The latest Patron vote chose the mysteries of House Stark as a video topic. So we’ve been reading deep into Winterfell, and reached some surprising conclusions. I’m pretty convinced that the Starks have white walker blood through the Night’s King – it’s a pretty speculative idea, but looking at Winterfell, the Nightfort, Craster, Bael, Jon and Lovecraft vibes… it starts to make a lot of sense. Some smart people like LML and Ideas of Ice and Fire have gone pretty deep down that rabbit hole.

Then there are further ideas about the crypts of Winterfell – Jon discovering his Targaryen identity, the Night’s Queen imprisoned, Stark kings rising, weirwood tinfoil… Stuff we mentioned in the crypts teaser video. And there are also the fascinating mysteries of the hooded man in Winterfell, and the pink letter…

Basically there’s way too much stuff to fit in one video. The current script is 3000 words and growing. So I reckon we split it – finish one video about Stark white walker blood, then later a video about Winterfell crypt theories, and someday we’ll cover the hooded man and pink letter mysteries as well. Sound good?

Am also working on GOT Season 8 prep videos. Figure we’ll do a basic recap, a longer recap, and some character arc videos, starting with Arya. And there's a fun April Fools video in the works...

So videos are coming... And the final season of GOT is on in 60 days!

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A "Song" of Ice and Fire is simply a very convoluted story about how Jon and Daenerys have a child. The child is the "Song" GRRM made bank on that simple idea.


GRRM may be competing with the late Robert Jordan on a hidden goal. Total gross weight in (one series) Hard Back Books. Stack them up and kill a man or support a faulty roofline.