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The results are in –

The winner of the GOT/ASOIAF vote is the Doom of Valyria – the mysterious cataclysm that destroyed the Valyrian empire 400 years ago. We’ll explore theories involving the Faceless Men, Lannister gold, dragon eggs and the nature of magic, as well as the present role of Valyria in the story. There are also some cool real-world historical parallels to discuss, which is always fun..
Runners-up GOT topics include the history of House Stark, the east, and the old gods – so we’ll consider them for future videos (:

The new series winner is The Expanse. The Expanse is a scifi series described by GRRM as a “kickass space opera” – it’s full of tense action, political intrigue, realistic technology, ideological/ethical conflicts, and a looming alien threat... Like Game of Thrones, this is a long, dense book series being adapted into TV, so we can approach it in a similar way – analysing the text, with TV imagery to illustrate. I haven’t read the whole series yet, so I’m not sure what the focus of our Expanse video(s) will be – maybe an analysis of the first book makes sense, at least to start. Comment your ideas below!
Close behind the Expanse in the vote was Dune – I've been wanting to cover Dune for ages, so we'll probably give it a go after The Expanse (:

So the plan is make the Doom video first, then do the Expanse. We’ll also continue making regular ASOIAF videos – GOT Season 8 is coming...

Thank you all for voting and supporting Alt Shift X! It’s so great to get to make the videos that you guys want to see, instead of whatever bollocks is trending on YouTube. You make this possible.






Haven't seen, but might check it out. Bummed it wasn't The Handmaid's Tale.


I can’t wait for the expanse videos