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Hey guys, here's a preview of our Westworld timeline video so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt2mCA8oGEY 

Let us know if there's anything we should add or correct!




Westworld Timeline Patron preview


Jonathan Melenson

I agree with Rikke--it would be nice to clarify when exactly Charlotte is replaced by Dolores. Also, a little more info on Charlotte's plan to smuggle out the data in season 1, and for what purpose, would be nice. I feel that that whole plotline of corporate intrigue with Charlotte and Ford and Bernard, etc, was somewhat forgotten in season 2.

Alt Shift X

Thanks for the feedback guys! Yeah we'll add more on Charlotte-Dolores, though we'll save the tricky details for the longer S2E10 video. Spoiler: I don't think Charlotte's plan with Abernathy in S1 really makes sense as the Forge key of S2 - seems like an awkward retcon...