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We’re thinking of making a short video explaining the timeline of Westworld S2E10 and of the series overall. This’ll be a basic explainer before a more in-depth S2E10 analysis video. Separating the basic stuff from the deep dive should make it easier for people to get the level of detail they actually want – and it avoids us having to juggle both the basics and the deeper analysis in one gigantic messy video. So I figure we’ll do a “Westworld S2 Timeline Explained” video over the next few days, then a “Westworld S2E10 Explained” video after that. Sound good?

Cause this finale is a real bloody doozy. Its central plot points alone are a lot to handle – the various human and host simulations in the Forge, Dolores’ machinations with the flood and the Valley, and her switcheroo as Charlotte. And the episode throws out many more unexpected curveballs – the death of Elsie, the Ford in Bernard’s head being Bernard’s own Bicameral voice, a deepening of James and Logan’s relationship,  Maeve getting BTFO for the umpteenth time, Kohana and Teddy’s roles in the Valley Beyond, Sizemore’s self-sacrifice, Stubbs maybe being a host, the mystery mind in Charlotte’s spare body with Dolores – and then after the credits, William being in some half-host far-future hell-loop with Emily.

There’s a lot of crazy stuff to work through here – let’s see what sense we can wring from this lunacy!






What ever happened to S02E09 explanation?

Jeffrey Boerst

He explained at the end of the E08, I believe, he was skipping the E09, and going right to the after episodes. Can't remember the reasoning but I remember thinking it made sense when I heard it explained. ;)


Doing a separate timeline video makes sense with the understanding that episode 10 is a resolution to like 4+ different story arcs. Formatting each of those story arcs out separately might work as well. Like your character focuses for GoT.