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You know when your earbuds get all tangled up and you've gotta patiently straighten them out? That's what it's like untangling this episode. One cord is the past, one is the future, and they're all knotted and looped together. You've gotta carefully unpick each bit to lay them out neatly.

I think we've worked it out now. The script is 2000 words – about 11 minutes' worth. As ever, we walk the tightrope of including theories and speculation whilst also explaining the basics in clear simple language. Pretty happy with the script, but the video design needs work. Expecting to finish the vid in a couple days.

Thanks for your support!




Ed Kennedy

I am enjoying this series! Westworld and The Expanse are the only good TV on right now. Would love to see an Alt+Shift+X Expanse series, that would be incredible. Maybe in the downtime between S3 and S4 on Amazon Prime?

Rikke Holmberg

What would we do without you