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This video is a real challenge to structure – the James Delos, Bernard + Elsie, William and Grace storylines are all tightly intertwined, so the vid needs to jump around a bit to lay out the info clearly. It’s also a speculation-heavy video – this episode raises way more questions than it answers…

Here’s an excerpt:

So this is part of the Delos secret project that’s been hinted at all series – they’re trying to achieve human immortality by putting human minds in host bodies. But how does this connect to the Westworld guest behaviour data recorded in these labs? And what are all these human-host brains they made? Well, to clone James, he has an “observation period” and “baseline interview”, to make a record of who James is – so they can copy him with high “fidelity”. Westworld is kind of the same thing. We’re told the park reveals who guests really are, through their choices and sins. By recording this baseline, maybe Delos gets the data they need to make immortal clones of all Westworld guests. As we see with Jim’s script, human-host hybrids are predictable. Maybe Delos could use this technology to control human behaviour. This could be Glory – Dolores’ weapon, William’s mistake, the burning of the species that Logan talks about – not human-like robots, but robot-like humans. We don’t know the details, but Glory must be something that combines humanity and hosts, immortality and control.

The video will be done in the next couple days (:






Really looking forward to this one. Feels like more than one episode worth of material was shown this week.

