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What did you think of the new Westworld episode? James Delos' scenes form a fascinating arc, and raise some crazy big questions about Delos, Ford, Bernard... Not to mention the revelations on Grace, and Stubbs. And all the symbolism and allusions... Lots to talk about this week. The video is underway! ASX




Great episode! I need to re-watch it tonight. There are so many aspects that making an explainer video will be tough. I'm particularly touched by the James Delos storyline (what great acting). The pain of knowing that the MIB tried 149 times with the poor guy. The horrible realization in Jame's eyes (and the disappointment in the MIB's). Jame's final crazy loop into madness/ hell (no glitches though!). And finally, has Ford successfully implanted a human mind into a host (and who?)? Can't wait to see what you have to make of it all!


good story structure