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So the Rhaegar video has been rendering for over 40 hours now, which is... pretty crazy. The Alt Shift X production style has always been a huge strain on After Effects – but the software has never gotten this stroppy before. Must be related to the size and complexity of the vid... We'll find a way to make it work. Thanks to your support, we're able to work with some great AE experts, and afford some serious hardware. I've long been putting off a major overhaul of the production process, but maybe now the time has come. "Changes will be made. I meant to do it long ago, but … well, it does no good to speak of roads not taken".

Technical nonsense aside, the actual work on the Rhaegar vid is done, and it's great. Can't wait to get it out to you guys. In the meantime, I've started writing a short video about Tyrion's tongue, and am researching for the Jaime video. So I expect to release Rhaegar and Tyrion vids this week, and Jaime in the weeks to come (:






You're too much! Anything from you is worth the wait.

Shiera Seastar

I had no idea how much production work goes into creating these videos. :O I can appreciate all the work you put into them, and the reason your production value is so much higher than other 'Tubers! Can't wait to to see it! Thanks Shift/Schwifty!