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Most of the writing and research is done for the Rhaegar video. It's about 3000 words long, ~16 minutes' worth – aiming to finish it this week.

The vid focuses on working out Rhaegar's motivations, and reconciling his political activity with his mysticism. The intro starts with the basics, keeping things accessible for show-watchers – but it also goes elbow-deep into the complexities of the Azor Ahai prophecy, so I think there'll be something for everyone here. I'm currently working on adding a section about Daenerys and how she might fit in, as well as some general thoughts on the roles of the women in Rhaegar's life – Lyanna, Elia and Rhaella. Overall, this vid is looking like great way to get back into the swing of Alt Shift X (:

Thanks for your support!





Very exciting! Always great to know you've got a video coming out soon, and on one of the characters most interesting to me!! Thank you for all your hard work :)

Rikke Holmberg

I want to know what the little robot thingy in the top right corner is

Alt Shift X

It's a Rick and Morty reference that got cut from the video - it was to illustrate the idea of purpose, i.e. Rhaegar being born to fulfil prophecy

Rikke Holmberg

Ah. As one of the very few people who never watched R&M I thought that might be it.