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To frame this shot of Rhaegar, I had to crop Lyanna out of the image on the right. Which kinda says it all, when you think about it – Lyanna's perspective is often 'cropped out' of ASOIAF. We get lots of hints of Rhaegar's motivations – the interest in prophecy he shared with Aemon, his belief that the "dragon has three heads"... But all we really know about Lyanna is that she was adventurous and liked flowers. Why did she run off with Rhaegar? What choice did she have? What were her beliefs about the prince that was promised? A lot of the same questions can be asked of Elia Martell, and we have even fewer answers there. So this Rhaegar video will include some speculation about Lyanna and Elia – but it'll mostly be limited to Rhaegar's perspective, because that's the only solid info we have. That said, Rhaegar's perspective is super interesting, and there are a heap of cool ideas to discuss here... And it's awesome to finally have show images of Rhaegar!

The $5+ Patron Q&A and the Stranger Things 2 stream are both available to watch. I'm not entirely happy with either of these streams... am looking forward to refining and improving with future streams (:

Also, some of you have noticed that the Alt Schwift X sidechannel has been "terminated", which seems to be another example of YouTube shooting first and asking questions later. There is an appeals process – and the channel will hopefully be restored soon.

Anyway, the focus atm is finishing the Rhaegar vid – after that, we'll move on to the Kingslayer...






That’s one of my favorite quotes . And big thumbs up to Harry Lloyd. I thought he was a shit Rhaegar but his reading of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is so damn spot on. Truly a great narration. So in summary. Harry is a shit Rhaegar but an awesome Egg.

Rikke Holmberg

Aaaaaaand Schwift is BACK! With every comment and all the history and lore of Schwift. And there was much rejoicing In the Squwad :-D