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I've covered the short-lived "idol game" phenomenon here with Teddy Boy for Master System. Now here's further evidence! It's the prize tape that fans received for uploading their completed game stats via Disk Writer Kiosk... 15 minutes of candid B-roll of pop singer Miho Nakayama doing... well, not much? Basically just existing. But I guess that was pretty cool for fans, back in the days before celebrity Instagram and TikToks. 


Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School Prize Tape [VHS Rip]

Once upon a time, Squaresoft and Nintendo created an adventure game together—one that pivoted around winning the heart of your classmate, pop idol Nakayama Miho in disguise—called Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School. Players who completed the game successfully could take their Famicom Disk System diskette to a kiosk and register their victory to receive a special prize: A VHS tape that mostly consists of candid B-roll of Nakayama doing various things in various settings. Not exactly the sort of thing to set the heart afire in this day and age, but probably a neat bonus for her fans. And an interesting historic curio that ties into the first collaboration between two giants of the industry. Recorded from a JVC SVHS deck and upscale to 720p via RetroTink 5X.



I digitized this tape a few years ago! Another copy isn't gonna hurt.


Speaking of how much did you pay for yours? I think I paid something like 40 dollars for mine. Someone on YT who refused to digitize his tape said he wouldn't sell his for anything less than a "four figure" price. So I went onto Y!A and found mine.

Jeremy Parish

Huh, interesting. The only HD copy I could find on YT looked washed out and over-sharpened, so this rip seemed worth posting.