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Welcome to the bulk filler aisle of the NES. These games flesh out the library. They were products that probably made their respective publishers more money than they cost to develop and manufacture. They exist so that NES collectors will have to find them to complete their full sets. And they also have to be included in a comprehensive retrospective series like this. So, here you are. A video containing content. It's what the world clamors for.


Half-court, half-baked: Hoops & Shooting Range | NES Works 126

Here we have a pair of games that don't do much more than simply exist. Neither is bad, and Hoops in particular has its charms, but they don't move the needle at all outside of giving kids in 1989 something additional (if not something new) to do with their free time. Neither game feels entirely complete as a product, especially Shooting Range, a game that appears to have been hastily edited into a kinder, gentler gun-based experienced at the last second. But neither of these games will give you rabies or anything. They are video game product at its most competent. Production notes: Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! Plus, exclusive podcasts, eBooks, and more! Why watch when you can read? Check out the massive hardcover print editions of NES Works, Super NES Works, and Virtual Boy works, available now at Limited Run Games (https://limitedrungames.com/collections/books)! SG-1000 Works: Segaiden Vol. I is available NOW, and Metroidvania: The First Decade is due in 2024. NES footage captured from Analogue Nt Mini. Video upscaled to 720 with xRGB Mini Framemeister. "Before the Storm" courtesy of Jacob Le.


James Jackson

On the bright side, you've got Mega Man 2 coming up soon!


I noticed the "NES style" way back then, it seemed like they were trying to push the level of detail past what it could actually do. Trying to overcompensate for not being a 16bit console.