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Another LaserDisc for you. Packed with all kinds of game-breaking exploits as punk teenagers absolutely humble some of the most challenging games of all time. Once again, in 4K. I love that these LaserDiscs existed. Bubble-era Japan was out of control.

I hope to have a proper monthly bonus episode for you next weekend. I've been held up by the fact that the controller for the system I'm recording from broke in transit, and the replacements I've ordered have both been frustratingly slow to arrive. Sorry about that!

If all goes according to plan, the big bonus either next month or in March should be Metroidvania Works Vol. I. Please look forward to it! This book is gonna kick butt.


Konami Shooting Best 4K LaserDisc rip

Another vintage super play video—basically a Let's Play or AGDQ, except in the 1980s and published officially with approval from the games' creators. Even though these videos recklessly demonstrate game-breaking bugs and exploits! But if you've ever wanted to get a glimpse of now-middle-aged kids absolutely demolishing some famously difficult arcade shooters, now is your chance. This disc features Gradius, Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou, and Salamander (e.g. the less-ugly version of Life Force). Please to enjoy. Recorded from a Pioneer CLD-959 via S-video and upscaled to 4K (for no good reason besides laughs) via RetroTink 4K.


Ralph Barbagallo

Lol I had one of these discs, "KONAMI BEST SELECTION" -- found it in the used bin at Laser Craze in the Boston area back in the' 90s. I remember being dumfounded that there were Laserdiscs of arcade game playthroughs. And now let's plays are common. Konami was really ahead of the curve.