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Apologies for not getting this up sooner! I lost track of time over the weekend while preparing for a trip and juggling podcast stuff. But here is last weekend's bonus upload: A rip of an hour-long LaserDisc called The History of Video Games II: Namco 1 & 2. It is... an hour of footage of Namco's arcade games. Nothing really exciting. But, I think it's pretty remarkable that someone out there in the late ’80s was banking on "the history of video games" as a concept that people would spend money on... even if it is just an overview of a dozen-plus games by Namco. 

This is my first 4K upload, by the way. It's a pretty ridiculous inaugural project, if we're being honest. But it seemed like a thing to try, at least. We just upgraded to fiber internet, so it took me 22 minutes to upload this 36GB file, which means it would be almost criminal not to take advantage of it.


The History of Video Games II: Namco 1 & 2 [4K LaserDisc rip]

A true novelty: A program exploring the history of video games back in the 1980s, before video games even had much history to speak of. This Pony Canyon production takes a corporate approach, focusing on the works of a single company (Namco) and really just giving you a light bibliography of their arcade works rather than engaging with the material in a serious or holistic manner. But, hey, it's cool that someone was even thinking in terms of the medium's history at that point. Ripped from LaserDisc on a Pioneer CLD-959 via S-video and then upscaled to 4K on a RetroTink 4K. You know, for laughs.


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