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I'd like to say that this week's episode brings you the sweetest taboo, but it doesn't! Taboo: The Sixth Sense is not all that sweet: A lightweight fortune-telling program masquerading as a video game. Imagine being the child who purchased this as the only game they could afford from several months' allowance based on the sweet-as-hell box art. Still, that's probably better than being the kid who bought Predator, a movie tie-in that aims high and falls flat in the mud. Sure, that keeps it safe from the Predator's infra-red vision, but at what cost?


Mais Ouija: Predator & Taboo: The Sixth Sense | NES Works 122

A couple of games this episode that both try to do something a little different, but do they really succeed? And, perhaps more importantly, did anyone actually ask for them to forge their own path in the first place? I will say this, though: At least they have both a point of view and a legacy. Predator belongs to the NES's legacy of overly ambitious media adaptations by very creative Japanese studios with neither the time, the resources, or (if we're being honest) the design chops to make it all come together into a true classic. Like Jaws, Rambo, and Friday the 13th before it, Predator aims big and fails big. In fact, one might argue that it fails most bigly of all. And Taboo belongs to the tradition of not-really-games developed by Rare with nice visuals and sound and audio—think Anticipation, but even more so. It also draws on the legacy of fortune-telling software seen fairly often on Japanese consoles of the time. It's the kind of thing that would make for a fun bonus mode in a more substantial game, but seems kind of empty for a standalone full-price cartridge. Production notes: Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! Plus, exclusive podcasts, eBooks, and more! Why watch when you can read? Check out the massive hardcover print editions of NES Works, Super NES Works, and Virtual Boy works, available now at Limited Run Games (https://limitedrungames.com/collections/books)! SG-1000 Works: Segaiden Vol. I is available NOW, and Metroidvania: The First Decade is due in 2024. NES footage captured from Analogue Nt Mini. Video upscaled to 720 with xRGB Mini Framemeister. "Before the Storm" courtesy of Jacob Le.


Diamond Feit

two legit fascinating entries in the NES library; I knew the first existed but had no idea about "big mode." the latter is brand-new to me and honestly, I might have gone for it! I was already interested in tarot by middle school.


Absolutely fascinating pieces of software. I'll give Pack-In Video respect for making *interesting*, effortful and memorable wrecks, even if they still end up being wretched all the same. I wonder how many copies of Taboo actually got sold - is this something where Tradewest paid for the license and made some questionable return, or did they get paid a lump sum of money and told to create something video-gamey about the property? If the latter, suddenly this makes a whole lot of sense from a publishing perspective. If the former...I'm really curious about their sales numbers.