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Merry Chronomas!

Here is another bonus VHS rip for you—a tape promoting the eternally popular Super NES RPG Chrono Trigger. This was distributed by V-Jump magazine, because their boy Akira Toriyama helped with the game. As you well know! Can you spot any differences from the final game? The main theme certainly sounds different to me...


V-Jump Chrono Trigger Preview Video — VHS Rip

A digital rip of a brief promotional VHS tape that V-Jump magazine distributed to help hype up Chrono Trigger—a game featuring character designs, of course, by Jump's popular manga artist Akira Toriyama. Recorded from a JVC S-VHS deck and upscaled to 720p via RetroTink 5X. Please feel free to use clips from this video in your own work—all I ask is that you give me a nod as your source credit. Enjoy!



The Chrono Trigger Theme Song: Featuring Kenny G