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Oh snap, I just realized I never linked to the feature article for Hyper Lode Runner here. Well, here it is. And there's a new front page design for Game Boy World as well — it's a little messier, but far more functional. Please let me know what you think! Hopefully it's more useful and more informative. I think I finally have Game Boy World production down to a science, so expect weekly episodes from here on out.


Hyper Lode Runner: The Labyrinth of Doom

How circular gaming has become. Over the past couple of decades, portable and PC gaming have essentially existed on opposite ends of the medium's total spectrum; handheld systems lend themselves to low-power, efficient game design, whereas PC developers typically revel in the format's raw power, sometimes designing games that demand so much processing muscle that the machines capable of running them optimally won't exist for several years.


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