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Hi all, this week's video is running a little late due to all my travel over the past couple of weeks—it was tough to work on video where I was. I did make a LOT of progress on the Segaiden book, however. At this point, about 90% of the packaging photos and screenshots are in place, and the structure is starting to come together. I need to lay out the hardware and accessory pages (hence the fact that the first dozen pages are basically blank in this document), and I need to fill in a few missing images. But after that, my primary tasks will be (1) adding sidebars and supplements (2) revising the main text and (3) adding screen photography to the backgrounds to unify the look with NES Works. Still, with the bulk of images placed, it's starting to feel more like a real book. At the moment, I'm totally on track to have the book completed this fall and in print early next year. Please stay tuned for further progress! And look forward to NES Works #91 tomorrow, hopefully.


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