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Hello, friends and supporters! This month's bonus is another big one: The revised, combined edition of NES Works 1985 and NES Works 1986, cleverly titled NES Works 1985 & ’86. See what I did there?

The print edition of this book will go up for sale at the same time as NES Works 1987 (I'm aiming for September, but we'll see). And, if you are currently supporting this campaign at a $16/mo. or higher level, you will also receive a copy of the book (paperback for $16/mo., hardcover for $28/mo., and limited edition for $36+/mo.) when they go to press. Unlike with last year's books, which some of you are still waiting to receive (because they still haven't shipped), future books won't go up for sale until after we have them in hand at the warehouse. No more preorders, no more unexpected delays. That means you, the patrons who help make these books possible, should receive your copies first from now on. I have just downloaded mailing addresses for everyone, so you are officially locked-in to receive a physical book based on your current support tier (if your support tier supports that... uh, yeah).

Some notes on this edition: It includes a fair amount of revisions from the first editions. I've tuned-up all the packaging photography to make everything look brighter and cleaner, and I've replaced all full-page photos of the game sets with simple box photos. I like the set photos a lot, since they show everything that came in a package in a single shot, but there was a lot of inconsistency with setup, focus, and angles on those. This way, you get a clean image of the box front. I've replaced a few boxes with images of better-kept packages thanks to Chris Kohler, and I also added in an entry for Soccer, since that was indeed a 1985 release (despite Nintendo's official documentation placing it in 1987). 

You'll notice I've removed all the Famicom coverage from the original editions of the books. That's because it's all being expanded and revamped for NES Works 0, which will cover Famicom releases from JP launch (July 1983) through the NES launch (Oct. 1985). Expect to see that next year.

So, please enjoy! And watch your mailboxes this fall!



Looking great! Just want to note, though: Baseball's list of alternate releases is repeated for 10-Yard Fight, instead of that game's list being shown.

Jeremy Parish

Thanks for catching that—I had meant to fix that from the first printing and still let it slip past. I was able to upload the corrections to the printer before it's too late.

Ryan Seney

Sweet! I'm personally happy the new combined edition has enough changes to warrant rebuying. I'm looking forward to the reprints (I missed out on the GB Books at Fangamer) and new books later this year 😄