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I know I've been focusing pretty heavily on NES Works Gaiden recently, but this will be the last entry in this series for a while. I actually have a plan for these videos, believe it or not! While I do hope to complete NES Works Gaiden 1985 by the end of the year (which is as far as I'm taking the game-by-game Famicom coverage), I also want to make some headway on Master System and NES 1988 first. And maybe even poor, neglected Game Boy. Stay tuned.


Astro Robo Sasa / Honshogi / Robot Gyro retrospective: Welcome to the machine | NES Works Gaiden #39

The machines have risen, taking control of this trio of games and obviating humanity altogether. Well, almost altogether. R.O.B. at least demonstrates the value of mankind working together, hand-in-, uh, claw with its new synthoid overlords to defeat the vile Smicks in Robot Gyro. As for the other games, well, they're all about robo-kind's fight for dominance. If my performance in Honshogi is anything to go by, carbon-based life is doomed. Production notes: Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! Plus, exclusive podcasts, eBooks, and more! SG-1000 footage captured from a combination of Sega SG-1000 II with (with Card Catcher) and @Analogue Mega Sg with card adapter module and DAC. Vintage hardware mods courtesy of @iFixRetro. NES/Famicom footage captured from @Analogue Nt Mini Noir. Video upscaled to 720 with @Retro Tink 5X.


Ryan Hanley

Those shogi sprites are fantastic. So much personality. On a separate note, I found a lot of delight in the phrase "Basic-ass Famicom chip".

Colbin Erdahl

I for one welcome our R.O.B. Overlords and can’t wait to see what fantastic further games they force humans to make for such useful Entertainment Accessories as themselves. (Great voice effect Jeremy)