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Here's episode 67 to prove it. Yeah! 

Thanks for bearing with the brief break while I had to travel to L.A., where they forced me to play Zelda and The Last Guardian. It was rough, lemme tell ya.


Game Boy World #067: Paperboy [Atari Games/Eastridge Tehcnology/Mindscape, 1990]

The arcade classic makes the trip from NES to Game Boy with all the grace of a young child skipping his training wheels period to ride a mountain bike into traffic. This portable adaptation of a solid console port of a coin-op great totally misses the mark, with terribly compromised gameplay and some gratingly out-of-tune music.


James Jackson

Apologies if you've answered this question previously -- what is the music that plays at the end of Game Boy World episodes, during the teaser?

Reverend Ragu

i think i've never been able to give paperboy much of a chance simply because this was the only version i had to play when i was a kid. the cognitive dissonance of "this is supposed to be a classic?" vs. the game feeling incredibly unfair.