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Whew, barely squeaked this one through before the end of the month. But here we are: The last of the setup episodes before I can really start to delve into to the Famicom and SG-1000 libraries. Thanks again to Kevin Bunch and Earl Grey for joining me on this one and wrapping up a quick overview of pre-Famicom consoles!



Jared Blankenship

Lock 'N Chase was one of the games I had for my Intellivision back in the early 80's. I remember two things in particular: 1. for some reason it took my young self a while to figure out I was the guy in the middle of the screen and not one of the guys in the corners. My mom had to come over and let me know because I was so frustrated and I thought the game was broken, and... 2. I found a glitch where you can go through the tunnel on the left of the screen and come out on the right, but if you hit up and down on the disc quickly as you were coming through you could glitch through the wall, get stuck cycling from the bottom of the screen to the top, and your score would continually skyrocket until it maxed out whatever register it was on and the game would freeze.

Laurent Giroud

Is this Earl Grey creature a real person or is this the anthropomorphized name of the teapot you guys gathered around for the interview? 🤔