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Yes! It's a [booming voice] METROIDVANIA WORKS episode. I haven't done one of these in a while, but I need to dip my toe into the waters every now and again to maintain my iron grip on the Metroidvania trademark. (Disclaimer: I do not actually have a trademark on Metroidvania.)

This episode also needed to happen fairly soon, because the NES Works episode on Metal Gear isn't too far away, and this offloads all the basics of the topic to allow me to focus more on the changes inflicted on that version and the business maneuvering behind its existence. 

I don't know when I'll be putting together another Metroidvania Works, I'm afraid, but I'll aim for this fall. See you then!


Knightmare and Metal Gear (MSX) retrospective: Konami kombo | Metroidvania Works #014

I haven't forgotten my other child. Metroidvania Works has reached a weird place in its chronology, where it's kind of entangled and overlapping with NES Works—as you can see from the fact that this episode's back-up feature covers the next title that will appear on that series. Of course, the main event here is a game that never reached the U.S., so it's worth looking at here—especially given how influential it was on at least one major metroidvania work that appeared nearly two decades later. Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! And be sure to check out the Retronauts podcast (http://www.retronauts.com), where I (and many others!) tackle a much wider array of classic gaming topics each week.


Eric Plunk

This makes me want to pop in my MSX Collection for Saturn to play Knightmare.

Eino Keskitalo

Maze of Galious (MSX) was one of those games for me, that you've seen as a kid, they stay in the back of your head and the one day you manage to narrow it down to the right search terms and get to watch the gameplay footage that makes it all flood back in. Still haven't played it properly though.