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Hey all! Welcome to a new month, and according to the business calendar, a new quarter. And old video games such as I cover here are Serious Business Indeed.

That said! I would like to continue the grand tradition of giving a sense of what the next three months hold, video-wise. My production schedule has really solidified over the past six months, so this stuff should basically be a lock!


Basically, my plan for the coming month is to wrap up SG-1000/Famicom coverage through the end of 1984. This includes Othello Multivision! Regrettably! Those games are not good.


May is about completing patron requests: Everything from Famicom Disk System import classic Nazo no Murasame-jou to the strange Datach Joint ROM system. Also, there's gonna be a long-overdue sorta-Game Boy-related video.


I need a break from the pre-NES stuff, and I bet you do, too. So I'm going to shift back to NES Works 1988 for a couple of months.

That's about it! There may also be a few little surprises in there, but I only have so many weeks to work with here. Thanks for your ongoing support, and I hope you dig the varied nature of the coverage set for the coming months.


Christopher Brunner

Thanks for your posts, Jeremy! Your videos are the (media) highlight of my week!