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Here we go! 

The Famiconversations podcast has arrived (although you'll notice as you listen to the podcast that it does not, in fact, realize it is called "Famiconversations"). My goal with this show is to publish one episode every four-to-six weeks exclusively for patrons supporting at the $6+ levels, steadily traveling through the chronology of the games and systems covered in the Video Works projects. Naturally, this debut episode takes us to the very beginning of it all—by which I mean to July 1983 and the launch of Nintendo's Famicom and Sega's SG-1000. 

Dr. Sparkle of Chrontendo and Steve Lin of the Video Game History Foundation join me for this one, offering their respective insights into both the software and the context of these console debuts. Please enjoy, and apologies for the minor audio defects... remote recording in pandemic times, you know.

I'm not sure if Patreon automatically creates an RSS feed for audio or if that's something I need to set up. Please bear with me while I sort through that—and thank you for your continuing support!




It's so funny--I think my experience is so different than a lot of others. I really never noticed the crash. Yes, I saw the giant Atari bins but most video stores around me rented Atari and Coleco games and I saw many Nintendo arcades were I would frequent. Tennis, Wild Gunman, SMB, Popeye, etc. It's interesting hearing these other viewpoints.

Alex Forsyth

Kitty cat needs to be a guest more often. They know their stuff.