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Hey! We're all caught up again to the usual two-week lead time on these videos. Thanks for bearing with me while I got things back on track.

This week we see, by far, the most valuable game I will ever include on Video Works. I was very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to work with one of the most highly coveted NES games of all time. I was also very fortunate not to keel over dead from a heart attack while recording this footage. Or to die of disgust from playing Winter Games.

This episode is a bit of a roller coaster, is what I'm saying.


Stadium Events & Winter Games retrospective: Worth its weight in gold medals | NES Works #057

The holiest of NES holy grails arrives this week: Stadium Events by Human Entertainment and Bandai. This game is worth relatively little in its European release, and has almost zero value in its reissued "World Class Track Meet" version. But stumble across the original U.S. release and you've basically paid for your retirement. Special thanks to Steve Lin for allowing me to include actual photography of this rarity here. For contrast, the backup feature: Winter Games, a complete botch job of the PC sports classic by Epyx. It has no intrinsic value, either as a game or as a collector's item. Video Works is funded through Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite)—support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! And be sure to check out the Retronauts podcast (http://www.retronauts.com), where I (and many others!) tackle a much wider array of classic gaming topics each week.


Sven Mascarenhas

Yay, Double Dribble! One of the four pillars of early-ish NES sports games, along with RBI Baseball, Tecmo Bowl, and whichever side of the Ice Hockey vs Blades of Steel eternal war you come down on. But, yeah, Winter Games is a crime. It was even enjoyable on the Apple IIs we had in our Grade 6 classroom. I feel like they also picked the worst events to include; I have memories of Ski Jump being really good.

Cobalt Zeroni

Heads up: the Patreon link in the YouTube description has a misplaced ). I always find myself impressed that DDR-style pad technology existed for the NES, even though it doesn't seem that demanding on a technical level.