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My overall plans for Video Works are somewhat up in the air at the moment—I'm torn between doubling down on NES, focusing on Game Boy Color, or tackling a different platform and throwing in some NES/GBC stuff in there for balance. I would like to give you a definitive plan for the future, but the plan keeps changing. Alas!

I can, however, say with confidence that the next few episodes, including this one, will be about NES. Yes.


3-D WorldRunner & Sky Kid retrospective: Depth-defying debuts | NES Works #052

(That's "The 3-D Battles of WorldRunner" if you're nasty.) Four—count 'em, four!—companies make their NES debut here before going on to become third-party pillars of the platform. 3-D WorldRunner comes to us courtesy of Squaresoft (they of Final Fantasy fame) and Acclaim (they of, uhhh, Bart Vs. The Space Mutants infamy). Sky Kid is a Namco/SunSoft joint. None of these companies should need any sort of intro for anyone who has a decent familiarity with the NES, and this is where they both get their start on the U.S. side of the console. Nothing inspiring here, but these are the seeds for greater things.


James Jackson

I seem to recall reading somewhere that 3-D WorldRunner was the first game soundtrack composed by Nobuo Uematsu (or perhaps one of the first). I do love that jaunty tune!

Cobalt Zeroni

If indecisiveness is getting you down, you could try leaving it up to a Patreon poll. An easy extra incentive for patrons!