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Another VB Works, and a bit of a change in plans. I was planning to complete VB Works as a 1:1 series—one episode per each game. But man, there just wasn't much to say about these two... and I have trouble imagining I'd be able to squeeze an episode apiece out of the system's two Tetris variants and two bowling games. Plus, I'd rather compress these lean episodes into combo episodes and save a weekly publishing slot for something more interesting. So, here's your first Virtual Boy Works two-fer.


Virtual League Baseball & Golf retrospective: Red red whine | Virtual Boy Works #05

We move into Virtual Boy's post-launch lineup (and slightly out of rigid chronological order) with a sports two-fer: Kemco's Virtual League Baseball and T&E Soft's Golf. One of these is quite good, and one... is not. However, neither does anything new with two sports formats that have already been covered extensively on the Video Works series, so—on to the next! Thanks to Chris Kohler for lending these games to the war effort.


Steve Martin

I don't think anyone really purchased Virtual League Baseball based off how I somehow ended up with two sealed copies of the game in one year for less than $30 five years ago.

Scott Rothman

"feculant take" is definitely going into my vernacular