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Getting ahead of the proper schedule here, I know, but I'm just so in love with this era of NES I can't help myself. Section-Z has always been one of my white whales, because the NES version is daunting. I think I'm eventually gonna best the Disk System version, though. I just gotta keep flinging myself against it and eventually I'll win...

We're very, very close to Zelda and Metroid now. Ohhhh baby.


Section-Z retrospective: Tunnel visionary | NES Works #045

Capcom continues its diligent efforts to overhaul its arcade games for NES with a revamp every bit as admirable as Tecmo's fresh take on Rygar. A liner 1985 corridor shooter becomes a complex space labyrinth demanding patience, persistence, and a willingness to plot out some complicated connections, in effect becoming an all-new game—one diminished in history by its close proximity to Nintendo's Metroid and an unfortunate decision by Capcom USA to remove the save feature present in the Japanese release.


Lucien Hoare

Loved this, as always. There’s an error at 2:23, though. You say vertical instead of horizontal. 🤓 At least I think it’s an error...