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Happy Thanksgiving, people who celebrate that holiday this week! Here's a suitably thanks-worthy game: Rygar for NES, a pioneering title that holds up exceptionally well for its age. It helped stoke a young Jeremy's enthusiasm for exploratory action games, and it remains a good time despite its lack of a save feature and the need to grind a bit more often than would be strictly ideal.


Rygar retrospective: The sunset of a new dawn for NES | NES Works #044

Tecmo delivers its third game almost immediately on the heels of Solomon's Key and Mighty Bomb Jack, and it's a doozy. Rygar kicks off a couple of trends we're going to see a lot of in the coming years on NES: It radically reinvents an arcade game for the console, and it's pretty much a proto-metroidvania action title. Good stuff here that deserves to be enshrined in history.



Ah yes, Rygar. The game featuring perhaps the most terrifying 'game over' noise in the history of video games. Seriously, that thing sounds like the world imploded and that you are a giant failure and should just give up forever.

Mike Tse

Rygar!! I used to camp out on a spot and grind until I level him up to the max!! I always thought of this game as the inspiration to Simon’s Quest